Multidisciplinary Management of Adult Brain Tumours
Milan, 11th – 13th Oct 2020
New Dates – Due to the current situation with COVID-19 we have decided that the Course will be held online.
The Masterclass offers plenary lectures regarding state-of-the-art clinical evaluation and treatments with reference to clinical guidelines and which will conclude in take-home messages in management of adult brain tumours. Participants will deliver case presentations within groups sessions.
For application and additional information visit the European School of Oncology ESO website
U.O. di Neurochirurgia
I.R.C.C.S Ospedale San Raffaele
U.O. di Neurochirurgia
I.R.C.C.S Ospedale San Raffaele
Tecniche di emostasi in neurochirurgia
U.O. di Neurochirurgia
I.R.C.C.S Ospedale San Raffaele
Sabato 28 marzo
9.00 – 13.30
Aula Asclepio
Università Vita-Salute
Via Olgettina 58, Milan